gl-matrix (CDN Distribution)

NPM Version License Build Status Coverage API Docs

gl-matrix is a versatile and high-performance JavaScript / TypeScript library for vector and matrix operations, optimized for real-time 3D graphics APIs such as WebGL and WebGPU.

This documentation resource separates the CDN / pre-built distribution resources from the main Node distribution API documentation. Additional, information regarding using gl-matrix with modern ESM CDNs and capabilities such as import maps and enabling type declarations when developing web apps with the CDN resources is forthcoming, so stay tuned as these docs will be updated in the next beta release.

There are multiple distribution methods to utilize gl-matrix from legacy module systems like RequireJS to modern ES Module (ESM) oriented CDNs. If you are not using Node / NPM and bundling gl-matrix directly into your project / product various pre-built versions are available on most CDNs that automatically make NPM package available for consumption online in a web application deployment.

Pre-built ESM and ES5 / UMD bundles are available in the /dist-cdn directory checked into the gl-matrix repo. The gl-matrix/cdn and gl-matrix/cdn/f64 exports are linked to the types and pre-built all-inclusive CDN ESM bundles. gl-matrix/types/cdn/umd and gl-matrix/types/cdn/umd/64 provide type declarations for the UMD bundles when used as an IIFE.